
Property Law (2nd Edition) – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: D. Benjamin Barros, Anna P. Hemingway, Shelley Cavalieri
  • File Size: 3 MB, 9 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted)
  • Length: 1144 pages
  • Publisher: Aspen Publishers; 2nd Edition
  • Publication Date: February 6, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B08516LX7H
  • ISBN-10: 1454897910, 1543822711
  • ISBN-13: 9781454897910, 9781543822717

Original price was: $222.00.Current price is: $23.00.

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About The Author

Anna P. Hemingway

D. Benjamin Barros

Shelley Cavalieri

The second edition of the Property Law ebook in PDF/ePub format is a game-changer in the study of Property law. It presents all essential topics that a basic 1L Property course entails. The approach taken by the expert authors is unique and different from existing textbooks as they start by featuring concepts simply, then transition to complex topics. Sidebars, illustrations, and other design tools help present the material more clearly, making it easy to understand. The casebook is ideal for all students despite their skill levels. It includes descriptive answers, skill-based exercises, and problems students can complete on their own, making it both student-friendly and professional-friendly.

Throughout the ebook, the authors highlight themes running through the course, making it easy to understand fundamental concepts. Students can develop an understanding of the basics of property law by themselves. Professors can then guide them in developing an innovative understanding of property law. Since the authors are specialists in property coverage on the bar exam, students will learn every topic they expect to see tested.

New to the 2nd Edition of Property Law:

  • Minor corrections and refinements throughout the casebook.
  • A reviewed chapter 10 that includes new material on Intellectual Property and Property Theory.
  • Revisions to Chapter 9 to include Murr v. Wisconsin, the Supreme Court’s latest regulatory takings case.
  • Added text on racial discrimination and other critical issues in a subtle way, giving instructors the choice of how deeply to search those issues.

Both Students and Professors will benefit from:

  • More detailed bar exam topic coverage than any competing ebook.
  • The inclusion of sample documents, which assist students in understanding core concepts.
  • Exercises and problems that students can complete independently, with explanatory answers provided in an appendix.
  • An original design aids student learning, with sidebars, charts, diagrams, and illustrations that make concepts clearer to students.
  • An ebook perfect for a four-credit course but also features a modular design that can be used in courses of changing credit size.
  • A textbook that starts from simplicity and transitions to complexity: The ebook first provides text that explains the basic doctrine, then provides a simple case example, and finally moves to more complex issues.
  • Cases that are used as examples, not introductions to legal rules. Many topics in the ebook feature introductory text, problem sets, and illustrations before a single case is introduced, to aid in students’ legal learning.
  • Cases that are introduced with descriptive text discussing the law and issues surrounding the case. This fundamentally different approach from most other casebooks allows students to have a better understanding of the themes and concepts before they even read the case.

Note: The product only includes the ebook Property Law 2nd Edition in the original ePub format. A converted PDF is also included. It does not include any access codes.