
Introduction to Law (7th Edition) – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: University of South Alabama, John D. DeLeo, Beth Walston-Dunham
  • File Size: 15 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 672 Pages
  • Publisher: ‎Cengage Learning; 7th edition
  • Publication Date: ‎17 December 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1305948645, 0357393082, 1337798851
  • ISBN-13: 9781305948648, 9780357393086, 9781337798853

Original price was: $81.99.Current price is: $18.00.

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About The Author

Beth Walston-Dunham

John D. DeLeo

University of South Alabama

Develop a profound appreciation for the role of law in modern life and society with the seventh edition of Walston-Dunham’s best-selling eBook, Introduction to Law. This comprehensive guide provides you with a detailed insight into the organization of the U.S. governmental system, as well as a thorough understanding of the primary substantive areas of law.

With clear and concise presentation, this edition guides you through critical legal topics while providing practical assignments, ethical considerations, and easy-to-understand judicial opinions. From time-honored legal principles to modern-day concerns, Introduction to Law, 7th Edition, and accompanying print and digital MindTap resources (not included in this sale), equip you with all you need to know about law terminology, key cases and concepts.

Please note, we also offer the Introduction to Law 7/e test bank and other instructor resources. Contact us for details.

NOTE: This sale includes only the eBook Introduction to Law, 7th edition in PDF format. There are no access codes included.