
Everyone’s an Author (3rd Edition) – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: Andrea Lunsford, Michal Brody, Lisa Ede, Beverly Moss, Carole Clark Papper, Keith Walters
  • File Size: 57 MB
  • Format: PDF (converted)
  • Page Length: 912 Pages [1613 in converted PDF]
  • Publisher: ‎ ‎ W. W. Norton & Company; 3rd edition
  • Publication Date: ‎ July 1, 2020
  • Language: ‎ English
  • ISBN-10: 0393420817, 0393883671, 0393885682
  • ISBN-13: 9780393420814, 9780393883671, 9780393885682

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About The Author

Andrea A. Lunsford

Andrea A. Lunsford

Dr. Andrea Lunsford, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor of English emerita and former Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University, joined the Stanford faculty in 2000. Prior to this appointment, Andrea was Distinguished Professor of English at The Ohio State University (1986-2000). She has also been Associate Professor and Director of Writing at the University of British Columbia (1977-86). Currently a member of the faculty of the Bread Loaf School of English, Professor Andrea earned her B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Florida and completed her Ph.D. in English at The Ohio State University (1977).
Dr. Lunsford's scholarly interests include contemporary rhetorical theory, women and the history of rhetoric, current cultures of writing, intellectual property and composing, style, collaboration and collaborative writing, and technologies of writing. Andrea has written or co-authored many books, including Singular Texts/Plural Authors: Perspectives on Collaborative Writing; Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse; and Reclaiming Rhetorica: Women in the History of Rhetoric, as well as numerous chapters and articles.

Beverly Moss

Professor Beverly Moss is an Associate Professor of English at The Ohio State University. She teaches in the Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy program and is on the Bread Loaf School of English faculty. Her research and teaching interests focus on community literacy, composition theory, pedagogy, and writing center theories and practices.

Carole Clark Papper

Carole Clark Papper retired from the Department of Writing Studies and Composition at Hofstra University, where she directed the University Writing Center. Previously, she was the Director of the Ball State University Writing Program.

Keith Walters

Keith Walters

Dr. Keith Walters is a Professor Emeritus at the department of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University. His areas of research interest include Sociolinguistics, including language and identity in North Africa and the Middle East; language and the law, especially Speak-English-Only rules in the workplace; language diversity in the US, including African American English; bilingualism, including codeswitching and diglossic switching; and language, gender, and sexuality.

Dr. Walters co-authors three textbooks: Everything's an Argument with Readings, Everyone's an Author, and What's Language Got to Do with It?

Lisa Ede

Dr. Lisa Ede is Emerita's Professor of English at Oregon State University, where she directed the Center for Writing and Learning and taught courses in composition, rhetoric, and literacy studies. She got the Braddock and Shaughnessy Awards for her research on the audience and classical rhetoric. Her recent books include Situating Composition: Composition Studies and the Politics of Location and Writing Together: Essays on Collaboration in Theory and Practice.

Michal Brody

Michal Brody

Dr. Michal Brody is an independent scholar, linguist, and lecturer. She was a founding faculty member of the Universidad de Oriente in Yucatán, Mexico. Her scholarly work centers on language pedagogy and politics in Mexico and United States. She’s the author of What’s Language Got to Do with It? and coauthor of The Little Seagull Handbook, and the editor of the Everyone’s an Author, and the Tumblr blog They Say / I Blog.

In this digital age, students have access to multiple platforms to express themselves and communicate with others. It’s an opportunity for them to hone their writing skills and be effective communicators. Everyone’s an Author, 3rd Edition is designed to bridge the gap between everyday writing and academic writing, giving students the confidence to excel in their future endeavors. The third edition also includes valuable insights on reading critically, engaging respectfully with others, and differentiating between facts and fake news. By reading this book, students will develop a strong foundation in rhetoric, which will immensely benefit them as professionals, students, and responsible citizens. They will learn how to articulate their ideas coherently and persuasively while avoiding common pitfalls in writing. Get your copy of Everyone’s an Author, 3rd Edition today, and take your writing skills to the next level. Please note that this sale only includes the eBook version in a converted PDF, and the formatting may not match the physical book. Access codes are not provided. 978-0393420814, 978-0393883671, 978-0393885682 Also, note that this last sentence has been specifically highlighted for your attention.