Essentials of Life Span Development, First Canadian Edition by Santrock is a helpful and engaging learning tool. This new edition provides key information in an easy-to-understand way for students. With concise chapters and interactive learning tools, this book covers all stages of human development, from before birth to old age and the end of life.

Essentials of LifeSpan Development, First Canadian Edition by Santrock is perfect for one-semester courses on lifespan development in colleges and universities. It’s also great for anyone who wants to learn the basics of how we develop throughout life.
1260332500, 978-1260306194, 978-1260332506, 9781260332506
All prices are in US$
NOTE: This purchase includes only the electronic version of Essentials Of Life-span Development, 1st Canadian Edition as a SCANNED PDF (text is searchable within the file). No access codes are provided.
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