
Discovering Computers: Digital Technology, Data, and Devices (17th Edition) – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: Steven M. Freund, Mark Frydenberg, Jennifer T. Campbell, Mark Clampa, Susan L. Sebok
  • File Size: 84 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 457 Pages
  • Publisher: Cengage; Seventeenth edition
  • Publication Date: October 22, 2022
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 0357675371, 0357675363
  • ISBN-13: 9780357675366, 9780357675472, 9780357675373, 9780357675465

Original price was: $178.20.Current price is: $20.00.

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About The Author

Jennifer T. Campbell

Jennifer T. Campbell

Jennifer T. Campbell, in addition to co-authoring the Technology For Success textbooks, has written and co-authored several other leading IT-related textbooks, including Discovering The Internet, Web Design: Introductory, Microsoft Expression Web Introductory Concepts, And Techniques, Discovering Computers, Microsoft Office Quick Reference Pocket Guide, and Computer Literacy Basics: Microsoft Office 2007 Companion.

She has served integral roles in computer textbook publishing as an author, editor, and marketing manager. She holds a B.A. in English from The College of William and Mary

Mark Ciampa

Mark Frydenberg

Mark Frydenberg

Professor Mark Frydenberg is a Senior Lecturer of Computer Information Systems at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Mark also serves as the Director of the CIS Sandbox, Bentley's technology social learning space, which prepares college students to succeed in their CIS courses and to thrive in a technology-driven business world. He teaches courses in Python, technology concepts, and technology trends. Professor Frydenberg's research focuses on collaborative learning and pedagogies for engaging students with technology and digital literacy.

He has presented at academic and applied technology conferences and events throughout Europe and the US. Mark is also an author of several editions of Discovering Computers, and he authored Web 2.0 Concepts And Applications in the popular Shelly Cashman Series.

Steven M. Freund

Steven M. Freund

Steven M. Freund attended the University of Central Florida and serves as the lead instructor of various computer concepts, programming, Microsoft Office, and Internet technology courses throughout Central Florida. An integral author for the successful Shelly Cashman Series since 2001, Mr. Freund has presented at the annual customer conference, the Shelly Cashman Series Institute, as well as other customer events. Steve has co-authored multiple editions of Mozilla Firefox, Windows Internet Explorer, Discovering Computers, Windows, Office, and Dreamweaver ebooks. He has also written numerous successful instructor supplements.

Susan L. Sebok

Professor Susan L. Sebok is a retired professor at South Suburban College in South Holland, Illinois. Susan is also a licensed attorney. She has co-authored several successful textbooks for the leading Shelly Cashman Series, including multiple versions of Discovering Computers and Microsoft PowerPoint.

The DISCOVERING COMPUTERS: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, DATA, AND DEVICES, 17TH EDITION (PDF) not only covers the fundamentals of technology, but also emphasizes practical usage and the responsibilities associated with being a digital citizen. It explores the latest technological advancements, focusing on the convergence of devices and platforms. The content seamlessly integrates valuable how-to tips, ethical considerations, and security topics. Additionally, thought-provoking “Consider This” boxes are included to enhance your critical-thinking abilities. Shelly Cashman – Moreover, a variety of end-of-module activities such as checkpoint questions, interactive group exercises, and problem-solving tasks enable you to apply what you have learned effectively. Furthermore, the MindTap digital learning solution is readily available to offer additional support. With its captivating approach that ensures comprehensive understanding, this Seventeenth Edition of DISCOVERING COMPUTERS equips you with the essential knowledge required for success in all facets of life.

Discovering Computers 17th Edition
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978-0357675472, 978-0357675373, 978-0357675366, 978-0357675465

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