
Criminal Procedure (4th Edition) – PDF/ePub

eBook Details

  • Author: Matthew Lippman
  • File Size: 23 MB, 30 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted)
  • Length: 704 Pages
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc
  • Publication Date: January 2, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1544334753, 1544334761, 154433477X, 1544334715
  • ISBN-13: 9781544334752, 9781544334769, 9781544334776, 9781544334715

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $19.00.

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About The Author

Matthew Lippman

Matthew Lippman

Dr. Matthew Lippman is a highly accomplished criminology, law, and justice professor at the University of Illinois Chicago, where he has taught for over 30 years. He has received numerous awards for outstanding teaching and is the author or co-author of several books on criminal law, criminal procedure, international human rights, and comparative law.

His work is highly regarded and cited in hundreds of academic publications by domestic and international courts and organizations. In addition to his teaching and writing, Professor Lippman has also served as an expert witness on international law and consulted with private organizations and branches of the U.S. government.

If you are looking for a comprehensive, contemporary and case-driven textbook on criminal procedure, look no further. Lippman’s Criminal Procedure 4th Edition (PDF/ePub) is an award-winning book written by Professor Matthew Lippman. This book presents clear explanations of foundational concepts with thought-provoking examples that encourage students to think critically about legal principles and apply the rules of law to criminal procedures. This textbook centers around the challenge of finding a balance between rights and liberties and emphasizes diversity and its impact on how laws are enforced. Additionally, this textbook features built-in learning aids such as You, Decide scenarios, Legal Equations, and Criminal Procedure in the News features that engage students and help them master key concepts.

Criminal Procedure, 4E has been updated with new Criminal Procedure in the News and You Decide features to keep students engaged by connecting concepts to current developments in topics such as police use of deadly force, racial bias in jury deliberations, searches of electronic devices, and more. The latest topics in criminal procedures have been added to the book, such as the detention of undocumented immigrants, technology and the home, patterns, and trends of Terry stops in major cities across the USA, racial bias in the judiciary, and the impact of the Trump administration’s policies on the use of drones.

This book also includes new U.S. Supreme Court cases that help students understand how recent decisions affect society, such as United States v. Carpenter, which raised critical queries about police use of new technology. Other new cases address vital issues, including privacy, racial discrimination, practical assistance of counsel, search and seizure, juries, plea bargaining, the exclusionary rule, pretrial motions, and habeas corpus. Furthermore, every chapter now starts with a Test Your Knowledge feature that encourages active reading and prepares students for the topics coming ahead.

If you are an instructor or a student, SAGE edge offers a robust online environment that features numerous free tools and resources for review, studying, and further exploring criminal procedures. Please note that this sale only includes the e-book version of Criminal Procedure 4th Edition, available in the original ePub format. A converted PDF is also included for free. Access codes are not included.

Please note: This sale only includes the e-book version of Criminal Procedure, 4th Edition, and is not accompanied by access codes or any other additional material.