
Art: A Brief History (6th Edition) – PDF

For Art History Survey courses

eBook details

  • Authors: Marilyn Stokstad, Michael W. Cothren
  • File Size: 213 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 640 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 6th Edition
  • Publication Date: October 24, 2016
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01MTS79UA
  • ISBN-10: 0133843750
  • ISBN-13: 9780133843750

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About The Author

Marilyn Stokstad

Marilyn Stokstad

Dr. Marilyn Stokstad (late) was professor emerita of art history at the University of Kansas. She was the Consultative Curator of Medieval Art at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art in Missouri and also the past-President of the College Art Association and the past-President of the International Center for Medieval Art. She is the author of Art: A Brief History, Santiago de Compostela: In the Age of the Great Pilgrimages, Art History, and a number of catalogs on medieval art, including Gardens of the Middle Ages.

Michael Cothren

Michael Cothren

Professor Michael W. Cothren is Scheuer Family Professor of Humanities and Chair of the Department of Art at Swarthmore College, where he has also served as Medieval Studies Coordinator and Humanities Division Chair. He has taught specialty courses on Roman, Medieval, and Islamic art and architecture, as well as seminars on visual narrative and theory and technique, since his arrival at Swarthmore in 1978, but he really enjoys teaching the survey to Swarthmore newcomers.

His research and writings center on French Gothic art and architecture, most recently in Picturing the Celestial City, an ebook about the stained glass of Beauvais Cathedral. He works as a consulting curator at Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania's Glencairn Museum.

Contextual, trainee-friendly, and inclusive art history study book on the marketplace Art: A Brief History, 6th Edition, (PDF) continues to balance out official analysis with contextual art history in order to include a varied trainee audience. Authors Michael Cothren and Marilyn Stokstad, both scholars in addition to instructors, share a shared vision that study courses ought to be filled with as much satisfaction as knowing, which they ought to motivate a passionate, in addition to an informed, public for the visual arts. By dealing with the visual arts as one constituent of a dynamic cultural landscape (which likewise consists of religious beliefs, politics, economics, and more), Art: A Brief History assists art trainees acknowledge and value the important function that architecture and art have actually played in human history. P.S. Contact us if you desire Art: A Brief History 6e TestBank or other trainer sources. NOTE: The item only consists of the ebook, Art: A Brief History, 6th Edition in PDF. No access codes are consisted of.