
The Torts Process (9th Edition) – PDF, ePub, AZW3

eBook details

  • Authors: James A. Henderson, Douglas A. Kysar, Richard N. Pearson
  • File Size: 2 MB, 2 MB, 8 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), AZW3, PDF (converted)
  • Length: 1088 pages
  • Publisher: Aspen Publishers; 9th Edition
  • Publication Date: March 1, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B06XDRQ3L1, B07DN1LTQ6
  • ISBN-10: 1454875690, 1454889047, 1454889799
  • ISBN-13: 9781454875697, 9781454889045, 9781454889793

Original price was: $215.26.Current price is: $22.00.

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About The Author

Douglas A. Kysar

James A. Henderson

Richard N. Pearson

The Torts Process, 9th Edition, (PDF/ePub/AZW3) presents a student-friendly approach to the study of tort law. This book emphasizes the procedural aspects of tort law and uses problem-and-cases education to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The book features a combination of problems, notes, cases, and questions that encourage discussion and deep thinking. The book covers tort doctrine, history, and theory. The book has been updated and expanded in the 9th edition, with the addition of more law and behavior notes that summarize social scientific and empirical research on human behavior, legal decision making, and the tort system.

Key Features: The book has expanded substantive coverage on various topics such as governmental immunity, market share liability, insurance, and alternative compensation mechanisms. The book has been revised to reflect contemporary challenges and issues. For instance, a new problem on campus sexual assault has been incorporated, competing consent standards have been added, the intentional tort chapter has been updated to reflect debates on police conduct, race relations, and the psychology of prejudice. The book has also been updated to include issues concerning racial profiling/prejudice in the context of terrorist acts by Islamic extremists.

The book includes lead cases that provide teaching opportunities for different topics such as warning defect liability, the role of duty in tort doctrine, and strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities. There are also cases on the connection between proximate and actual causation, the role of consumer expectations in design defect litigation, and the role of nuisance and trespass causes of action in the context of pollution.

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook The Torts Process, 9th Edition in the original ePub and AZW3 formats. A converted PDF is also included. No access codes are included.