
Problem Solving with C++ (10th Edition) – Global – PDF

For courses in C++ introductory programming.

eBook details

  • Author: Walter Savitch
  • File Size: 26 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length:1117
  • Publisher: Pearson; 10th global edition (2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1292222824
  • ISBN-13: 9781292222820

Original price was: $69.76.Current price is: $11.00.

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About The Author

Walter Savitch

Walter Savitch

Dr. Walter Savitch is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of California-San Diego. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California-Berkeley (USA) in 1969. Since that time Dr. Savitch has been on the faculty of the University of California-San Diego. He served as director of the university's Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in cognitive science for over 10 years. He has also served as a visiting researcher at the computer science departments of the University of Colorado in Boulder, and the University of Washington in Seattle, and has been a visiting scholar at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Teach the principles of C++ shows with a focus on problem- solving – The finest- selling eBook, Problem Solving with C++ 10th global edition (PDF) by Walter Savitch is composed for the starting developer. The book cultivates strong problem- solving abilities and shows strategies as it presents university student to the C++ shows language. Author Walt Savitch’s technique to shows highlights active reading through making use of well- positioned self- tests and examples, while versatile protection suggests trainers can quickly adjust the order of chapters and areas to their courses without compromising connection. Walt Savitch’s succinct, clear design is a trademark function of the book, getting appreciation from trainers and trainees alike, and is supported by a suite of attempted- and- real pedagogical tools. The 10th Edition consists of 10 brand-new Programming Projects, along with brand-new modifications and conversations. NOTE: Pearson Pearson MyLab Programming NOT included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory part of the course, please ask your trainer for the right ISBN and course ID. MyLab must only be bought when needed by a trainer. This purchase only consists of the Problem Solving with C++ 10e Global PDF. P.S we likewise have Problem Solving with C++ (10th Edition) testbank, trainer handbook and other resources for sale. Contact for more information.