In today’s rapidly evolving social and digital marketplace, building strong connections with consumers is more critical than ever for marketers. The Principles of Marketing 17th Global Edition, available in PDF format, is a resource that helps university students tackle the challenge of creating engaged communities of consumers who incorporate brands and products into their everyday lives.
By using an innovative customer-value framework, the authors, Armstrong and Kotler, provide fundamental marketing knowledge to assist people in creating value and fostering customer relationships. The PDF of the 17th Edition (Global version), which has been thoroughly updated to reflect current marketing trends, is filled with real-world stories about how firms are using digital technologies to enhance customer engagement and shape experiences, brand conversations, and communities. The book’s name, contents, and authors are identical to those of the Hardcover and US editions, with only minor differences in the cover and paper quality for the printed copy.
The ISBN-13 codes for the book are 978-0134492513 and 978-9352865611, with all pricing in US dollars. Additionally, a US version of the ebook and a newer edition are available, and related resources such as an instructor manual, test bank, and more can be acquired by contacting the seller.
Please note: This sale only includes the PDF version of the Principles of Marketing 17E (Global) ebook and does not include any access codes.
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