Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition (PDF) is a textbook specifically designed for the “mainstream” two-semester undergraduate organic chemistry course. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of organic chemistry by emphasizing the functioning of fundamental reaction mechanisms and the occurrence of reactions.
Additional ISBNs for Carey’s Organic Chemistry Eleventh Edition: 978-1260565874, 978-1260148923, 978-1260506532, 978-1260960433, 978-1264117369, 978-1260699067, 978-1260918649, 978-1260977288, 978-1260506754, 9781260960433, 9781264117369, 9781260699067, 9781260918649, 9781260977288, 1260960439, 1264117361, 1260699064, 1260918645, 1260977285, 9781260506754
NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition, in PDF. No access codes are included.