Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, Tenth Edition
This ebook will help you ace the Next Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) and become a safe and effective medical-surgical nurse! “Iggy” takes a conceptual approach to teaching adult health knowledge and developing the clinical nursing judgment skills needed for the modern medical-surgical nurse. Imagine a world where nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals speak the same language. That’s exactly what “Iggy” aims for by consistently using interprofessional terminology to promote collaboration.
Beyond just the basics, “Iggy” features a unique enhanced conceptual approach that integrates nursing concepts with real-world examples. This helps build a strong foundation in both professional nursing and health/illness concepts. It also shines a spotlight on clinical reasoning and clinical judgment, which are crucial for applying knowledge in real-life situations.
Throughout the book, you’ll find emphasis on patient safety and evidence-based practice. Look out for the Nursing Safety Priority boxes, including Drug Alert, Critical Rescue, and Action Alert boxes, which highlight important safety information.
978-0323749787, 978-0323753326, 978-0323794336, 978-0323612418, 978-0323612425, 978-0323760850, 978-0323749640, 978-0323654050
Written in a clear and concise style, “Iggy” is easy to understand. It also reflects the reality that most adult healthcare takes place outside of hospitals, with a focus on health promotion and community-based care. Last but not least, you’ll get plenty of NCLEX Exam-style Challenge and Mastery questions to help you prepare for success on the NGN!
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