
Macroeconomics (15th Canadian Edition) – PDF

eBook Details

  • Authors: Campbell McConnell, Stanley Brue, Sean Flynn, Thomas Paul Barbiero
  • File Size: 49 MB
  • Format: PDF (Scanned)
  • Length: 550 Pages
  • Publisher: ‎McGraw-Hill, Toronto; 15th Edition
  • Publication Date: Feb 25, 2019
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 1259654877
  • ISBN-13: 9781259654879

Original price was: $71.50.Current price is: $17.00.

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About The Author

Campbell R. McConnell

Campbell R. McConnell

Dr. Campbell R. Mcconnell got his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa after receiving degrees from the University of Illinois and Cornell College. He taught at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 1953 until his retirement in 1990. Campbell is a recipient of both the James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award and the University of Nebraska Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. McConnell was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Cornell College in 1973 and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in 1994. His primary areas of interest are economic education and labor economics.

Sean Masaki Flynn

Sean Masaki Flynn

Professor Sean Masaki Flynn is an assistant professor of economics at Scripps College in Claremont, California.

A recurring commentator on ABC News, FOX Business, and NPR, Dr. Flynn holds a B.A. in economics from the University of Southern California and a Ph.D. in economics from U.C. Berkeley, where he completed his dissertation under the supervision of Nobel Laureate George Akerlof.

Flynn's research focuses on the seemingly irrational and often puzzling behavior of stock market investors, but he has also investigated topics as wide-ranging as why you see a lot of unionized workers only in certain industries and the factors that affect customer tipping behavior at restaurants.

Stanley L. Brue

Stanley L. Brue

Dr. Stanley L. Brue did his undergraduate work at Augustana College (South Dakota) and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in 1991. Brue received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is a professor at Pacific Lutheran University, where Dr. Brue has been honored as a recipient of the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award. Stanley has also received the national Leavey Award for excellence in economic education. He has served as chair and national president of the Board of Trustees of Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honorary.

Thomas Paul Barbiero

The 15th Canadian Edition of “Macroeconomics” by Campbell R. McConnell has been customized to meet the needs of Canadian students, offering pertinent examples and case studies that accurately depict the Canadian economy. This comprehensive ebook addresses all fundamental macroeconomic topics, such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international trade, providing a lucid and succinct explanation of each subject alongside supporting graphs and charts. Furthermore, it incorporates stimulating discussion questions and exercises to assess and enhance comprehension.

The author’s writing style in this edition of “Macroeconomics, 15th Canadian Edition” is both captivating and accessible, effectively presenting complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. The inclusion of real-world examples and current economic events further enhances the application of macroeconomic principles. Additionally, the book offers online resources such as practice quizzes, interactive graphs, and supplementary readings to enrich the learning experience. Overall, this textbook is an invaluable resource for students studying macroeconomics in a Canadian context, providing a strong foundation and fostering a deep comprehension of macroeconomic principles in real-world scenarios. Whether you are a student or an independent learner interested in understanding the Canadian economy, I highly recommend this textbook.


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NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook Macroeconomics, 155th Canadian Edition in a SCANNED PDF (searchable). No access codes are included.