Introducing the all-new edition of Legislation and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 4th Edition (PDF) – the ultimate companion for first-year students studying Legislation & Regulation. This comprehensive casebook is the perfect resource for educators looking to enhance their 1L curriculum. Delving into the art of interpreting legal texts, this ebook utilizes Supreme Court and appellate decisions as the core learning material. Furthermore, the accompanying note material offers a gentle introduction to the valuable insights from political science, history, economics, and philosophy. With its focus on empowering students with the tools and techniques used by lawyers and judges when crafting legal arguments in statutory or regulatory contexts, this textbook also prompts contemplation of the broader questions surrounding institutional design.

Legislation and Regulation, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series) – 978-1647085438
PLEASE NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Legislation and Regulation, Cases and Materials, 4th Edition in a scanned PDF for download. No access codes included.
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