Services Marketing, 8th Edition by Zeithaml, Bitner, Gremler, and Mende explores how services are the driving force behind the global economy and the future of business. With services dominating advanced economies and being essential for customer retention, this book presents a crucial insight into the pivotal role services play in today’s world. Whether in ePub or PDF format, readers will gain a deep understanding of the significance of services and their impact on companies.
New chapter on “Artificial Intelligence and Service Robotics” and the implications for service marketing.
Managerial focused approach emphasizing the knowledge needed to implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries.
Inclusion of up-to-date case studies and demonstrations in each chapter showcasing emerging business models like Airbnb and Uber, with a stronger focus on technological advancements, digital and social marketing techniques, Big Data utilization, and data analytics services.
Additional ISBNs for ISE Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm 8E: 978-1266378911, 978-1266666773, 9781266666773, 978-1260564136, 9781260564136, 1260564134, 978-1260564167, 978-1260260526, 9781260564204, 1260564207, 978-1260564204, 978-1266287152, 9781266378911, 126637891X
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Please be aware that this sale exclusively offers the eBook “ISE Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm (8th Edition)” in ePub format. Additionally, a converted PDF version is provided at no extra cost. Whether you choose the International edition or the American/USA version, the content remains identical, and no access codes are provided.
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