International Relations 12th Edition (PDF) gives students the tools they need to understand the complex and constantly changing world around us. Written by Jon Pevehouse and Joshua Goldstein, this ebook explores both the good and bad things happening globally every day, giving a strong foundation in today’s world events. It looks closely at important topics such as helping poorer countries, how war is changing, and the levels of poverty around the world. This Global 12th Edition has been updated with new information – including the North Korea nuclear situation, what happened in the 2016 U.S. election, and more – so students are learning the most up-to-date information about international relations.
978-0135229255, 9780137501328, 0137501323, 978-0135229545, 978-1292350325, 0135229545, 978-0137501328, 978-0135229255, 9780135229545
P.S Even though the Global and North American/USA versions are exactly the same, you get both with this purchase.
NOTE: Be aware that this purchase is only for the digital book “International Relations”, 12th Edition, in PDF format. It does not come with any access codes.
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