
Human Resource Management (5th Canadian Edition) – PDF (scanned)

eBook Details

  • Authors: Sandra Steen, Raymod Andrew Noe, Patrick M. Wright, John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart
  • File Size: 39 MB
  • Format: PDF (scanned)
  • Length: 384 Pages
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill Canada; Fifth edition
  • Publication Date: April 5, 2019
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 1260304841, 1259654931
  • ISBN-13: 9781260304848, 9781259654930

Original price was: $143.00.Current price is: $19.00.

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About The Author

Barry Gerhart

Barry Gerhart

Dr. Barry Gerhart got his B.S. in psychology from Bowling Green State University and his Ph.D. in industrial relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a professor of human resources and management and a Distinguished Chair in Pay and Organizational Effectiveness, Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Barry serves on the editorial boards of and has published in the Industrial and Labor Relations Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Academy of Management Journal, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Personnel Psychology. He is a recipient of the Scholarly Achievement Award, the Heneman Career Achievement Award, and the International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award from the Academy of Management.

John Hollenbeck

John Hollenbeck

Dr. John R. Hollenbeck received his Ph.D. in management from New York University. He is a Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and Eli Broad Professor of Management at the Eli Broad Graduate School of Business Administration. John served as associate editor of Decision Sciences, an acting editor at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and editor of Personnel Psychology.

Dr. Hollenbeck has published more than 90 articles and chapters on work motivation. and team decision-making. He has been awarded fellowship status in both the Academy of Management and the American Psychological Association and was recognized with the Distinguished Service Contributions Award, the Career Achievement Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management, and the Early Career Award by the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Patrick Wright

Patrick Wright

Professor Patrick M. Wright got a B.A. in psychology from Wheaton College and an M.B.A. from Michigan State. He is the Chair and director of the Center for Executive Succession, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. Patrick is an expert in strategic human resource management and a faculty leader for the Cornell ILR Executive Education/NAHR program. He was lead editor of The Chief HR Officer and has published more than than 20 book chapters and 60 journal articles.

Raymond Noe

Raymond Noe

Dr. Raymond A. Noe earned his B.S. in psychology from Ohio State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology from Michigan State University. He is the Designated Professor of Management at Ohio State University. Ray conducts research and teaches students in managerial skills, quantitative methods, human resource management, human resource information systems, employee development, training, performance management, and organizational behavior.

Dr. Noe has published more than 70 articles and invited chapters and has authored, co-authored, or edited 7 books covering development and training. He has received awards for teaching and research excellence, including the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contribution from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Sandra Steen

The 5th Canadian Edition of Steen/Noe’s textbook on Human Resource Management is designed to be easy for students to understand. It connects HRM to their own lives and what they need to know. In modern companies, everyone from managers to regular employees is involved in HR in some way, no matter their job goals. Students will see HRM at work throughout their careers, from job applications and performance reviews to promotions and even when someone is let go. This ebook answers the question “What’s In It For Me?” by showing students how important HRM is for them personally, as workers, and as future leaders.

This textbook is interesting and perfect for a course that lasts one semester. It combines HRM theory with real-world use and examples that are easy to understand. It highlights how important it is to have basic HRM knowledge, new ideas, and practical understanding to succeed in today’s businesses.

Prices are listed in US Dollars.

978-1260304848, 978-1259654930, 9781260311044, 978-1260311044

IMPORTANT: Please note that this product is just the PDF file of the textbook “Human Resource Management, 5th Canadian Edition” (searchable text included). It does not come with any access codes.


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