This is a top U.S. history textbook, designed to be clear and helpful for all students.
Give Me Liberty!, 7th Edition (PDF) is a well-loved textbook for both teachers and students. It offers a reliable, concise, and well-organized story of American history. For this Seventh Edition, Eric Foner teams up with experts Kathleen DuVal and Lisa McGirr. They’ve added more about Native American history, showing how important it is to understanding freedom, which is the main idea of this book. This updated 7th Edition has new learning tools, like interactive reading activities to boost critical thinking and help students really get the most out of this valuable textbook.
The Seventh Seagull Edition gives you the entire Full Edition content in color, but in a smaller, easier-to-carry size. It has fewer pictures and maps and costs less. This edition includes both Volume 1 and Volume 2 in one book.
9781324041375, 132404151X, 978-1324041290, 9781324041481, 132404134X, 978-1324041511, 978-1324041344, 1324041374, 978-1324041375, 9781324041207, 132404148X, 978-1324041511, 9781324041344, 9781324041481
We suggest using the free program Calibre to open the ePub ebook.
This includes BOTH volumes (Volume 1 and Volume 2 combined).
NOTE: IMPORTANT: This purchase is for the eBook version of Give Me Liberty! 7th Edition in ePub format. You also get a free PDF version. Please note that no access codes are provided.
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