This innovative eBook, Evidence Law and Practice 7th Edition, takes a different approach by combining the theory and real-world use of the Federal Rules of Evidence in an interesting way. It highlights that learning is best when it’s both fun and intellectually stimulating. The book includes many problems based on courtroom situations to help students understand the rules better and improve their ability to use evidence in practice. Many of these scenarios are inspired by well-known movies and TV shows, making it easy for teachers to use video clips to make learning more interactive and enjoyable.
Evidence Law and Practice 7E consistently gives examples, practical advice, clear explanations, and visual aids using short transcripts. Each chapter begins with a list of key questions for the topic, followed by the relevant Federal Rules of Evidence, a summary, illustrations, examples, and practice questions. Although this book doesn’t primarily focus on appellate court opinions, the ways judges interpret and apply evidence rules are important and valuable for class discussions. Therefore, many chapters include summaries of important court opinions.
Key features of the Seventh Edition:
- Appendix 2 is now larger and includes California Evidence Code rules that are significantly different from the Federal Rules of Evidence, offering different perspectives on how evidence rules are made.
- Chapter 19 has been expanded and mainly consists of multiple-choice questions and answers. Since many Evidence exams include this type of question, the updated Chapter 19 will be particularly useful for students preparing for exams.
- Chapters 5 (Character Evidence), 8 (Lay Witness Opinions), and 9 (Expert Witnesses) have been completely revised by Dustin Benham, the book’s new co-author.
- A completely new Chapter 20 provides exercises for reviewing evidence using excerpts from transcripts of important historical trials. These trials include those of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, O.J. Simpson, the Menendez Brothers, and Anderson v. W.R. Grace, which is featured in the movie *A Civil Action*. Explanations for the questions within these transcripts can be found in the Teacher’s Manual.
The Teacher’s Manual offers solutions to all problems, exercises, and role-playing activities in the book. It also contains recent research on current topics in evidence law, answers (with explanations) to the multiple-choice questions, and helpful teaching tips. Additionally, the Manual features a collection of teaching notes from one of the co-authors.
978-1531011840, 978-1531011833
NOTE: Please be aware that this purchase is for the PDF eBook version of Evidence Law and Practice, 7th Edition only. No access codes are included.
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