Real data makes statistics come alive. Statistics has a profound influence on and shapes the world around us. Marty Triola, a bestselling author, is dedicated to keeping Elementary Statistics, 14th Edition (PDF) up-to-date with a wealth of current real data, ensuring that students from all majors comprehend the significance of statistics. This latest edition features an abundance of new data sets, examples, and exercises, along with learning objectives to serve as an organizational tool. It also offers larger data sets, new topics, and improved organization to align with advancements in statistics education. Additionally, students will have access to more support through videos, increased practice opportunities, and enhanced support for statistical software.
The following ISBNs are associated with this book: 978-0136803201, 978-0136803041, 978-0137366446, 978-0137395477, 978-0136803386, 9780136803386, and 0136803385.
NOTE: This sale includes only the eBook version of Elementary Statistics, 14th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.