Explore the important area of victimology with the well-known ebook, CRIME VICTIMS: AN INTRODUCTION TO VICTIMOLOGY, Tenth Edition. This detailed and unbiased look at victimization gives you valuable understanding. It uses facts from the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey and the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report to show what victims really experience. To make it easier to understand, the author includes real-life case stories, helping to connect with the victims as people. This book version carefully studies the aims of the victims’ rights movement and checks how victims are treated within the legal system. It also considers what might happen later in this field. Furthermore, this updated book brings in ideas like “survivorology” and “bystanderology”, explaining the actual problems that victims face.
978-0357020920, 978-0357391556, 978-0357020890, 978-0357698136, 978-0357037799, 978-0357020876, 978-0357020876
P.S. We also have Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology 10E test bank and other resources available. Contact for more info.
NOTE: This purchase is only for the eBook version of Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology, 10th Edition, as a PDF file. It doesn’t come with access codes.
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