C How to Program, 8th Edition, is an eBook that provides a complete introduction to the C programming language. Written by the Deitels, a renowned duo of authors, this eBook is designed to be an indispensable resource for college students who are interested in pursuing a career in coding. It’s also an excellent reference for instructors and software-development professionals who want to learn how to program efficiently with C.
In the updated 8th edition, the authors continue with the signature Deitel “Live Code” approach, where they provide a detailed explanation of concepts in the context of full-working programs instead of incomplete code snippets. This approach allows readers to run every program as they learn and understand how their learning applies to real-world programming scenarios.
If you’re interested in this eBook or any other instructor resources such as a test bank, please contact us. Please note that the product only includes the eBook, C How to Program, 8th Edition with an introduction to C++, in PDF format. No access codes are included. Get your copy and start your C programming journey today.
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