
Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach (2nd Edition)

eBook Details

  • Authors: Michael McKinley, Theresa Bidle, and Valerie O’Loughlin
  • File Size: 179 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1274 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 2nd edition
  • Publication Date: 7th January 2015
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B015RSR6GK
  • ISBN-10: 0078024285, 1259740439, 1259385140
  • ISBN-13: 9780078024283, 9781259740435, 9781259385148

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About The Author

Michael McKinley

Michael McKinley

Dr. Michael P. McKinley obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of California, and both MS and PhD degrees from Arizona State University. In 1978, he accepted a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School in the laboratory of Dr. Stanley Prusiner, the place he labored for 12 years investigating prions and prion-diseases. In 1980, he became a member of the anatomy faculty at the U.S. Medical School, where he taught medical histology for 10 years while continuing to do research on prions. During this time, he was an author/co-author of more than eighty scientific papers. McKinley was a member of the biology faculty at Glendale Community College from 1991 to 2012, where Dr. McKinley taught undergraduate anatomy & physiology, genetics and general biology. Between 1991 and 2000, he also participated in Alzheimer disease research and served as director of the Brain Donation Program at the Sun Health Research Institute, in addition to teaching developmental biology and human genetics at Arizona State University, West. His vast expertise in histology, neuro-anatomy, and cell biology significantly shaped the related content in Human Anatomy. He retired from active teaching in 2012 and continues to be an active member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS). Dr. Michael is coauthor of the McKinley/O’Loughlin/Bidle: Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach textbooks.

Theresa Bidle

Theresa Bidle

Professor Theresa Bidle got her B.S. degree from Rutgers University, her M.S. degree in biomedical science from Hood College in Maryland, and has completed additional graduate coursework in genetics at the National Institutes of Health. She is a professor at Hagerstown Community College, where Bidle teaches anatomy and physiology and genetics to pre–allied health students. Before joining the faculty in 1990, she was the coordinator of the Science Learning Center, where she developed study materials and a tutoring program for students enrolled in science classes. Professor Bidle has been a developmental reviewer and has written supplemental materials for many books and lab manuals.

Valerie O'Loughlin

Valerie O'Loughlin

Dr. Valerie Dean O'Loughlin got her undergraduate degree from the College of William and Mary, and her PhD in biological anthropology from Indiana University. She's an Associate Professor of Anatomy at Indiana University School of Medicine, where Valerie teaches human gross anatomy to medical students, basic human anatomy to undergraduates, and human anatomy for medical imaging evaluation to undergraduate and graduate students. She also teaches a pedagogical methods course and mentors MS and PhD students pursuing anatomy education research. She is active in the American Association of Anatomists and the Society for Ultrasound in Medical Education. She is presently serving as President of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society. Professor Valerie received the AAA Basmajian Award for excellence in teaching gross anatomy and outstanding accomplishments in scholarship in education.

The 2nd edition of McKinley’s Anatomy & Physiology An Integrative Approach (in PDF format) is aimed at maximizing understanding of various aspects of A&P by bringing different elements of its study together. The context in which structural details are presented highlights their functional significance, providing integrated coverage of anatomy and physiology in each chapter. By showing the interdependence of body systems, the chapters explain how other systems work by weaving the coverage of the first system. The textual explanations of these relationships are also clarified in “Integrate: Concept Connection” boxes. In addition, figures are designed carefully to support the etextbook narrative and have brief textual explanations, making figures self-contained study materials. Each chapter has special “Concept Overview” figures that summarize multi-faceted ideas in visual summaries on one or two pages. “Integrate: Clinical View” boxes present applications with clinical examples that illustrate what can go wrong within the body, helping students understand what is normal. Critical thinking is encouraged through “What Do You Think?” questions, which prompt students to analyze or apply what they have learned. At the end of each section, mini self-assessments in “What Did You Learn” assess whether students have grasped the material before moving on. The “Challenge Yourself” assessments at the end of each chapter include question sets such as “Do You Know the Basics?” “Can You Apply What You Have Learned?” and “Can You Synthesize What You Have Learned?” These assessments prepare students for career opportunities in Anatomy and Physiology, which are highlighted at the beginning of each chapter. “Integrate: Learning Strategy” boxes offer practical advice for remembering the content through everyday analogies. Each chapter ends with a summary of media tools available to aid in learning its content. Note that this product only includes the ebook Anatomy & Physiology An Integrative Approach 2e in pdf. No access codes are included. The ebook is also available in its 3rd edition. Finally, test banks, instructor manuals, and additional resources are available for purchase upon contact.