
Advanced MR Neuroimaging: From Theory to Clinical Practice – Ioannis Tsougos – PDF

eBook Details

  • Author: Ioannis Tsougos
  • Length: 237 pages
  • File Size: 10 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Publisher: CRC Press
  • Publication Date: 2nd December 2017
  • anguage: English
  • ASIN: B077XK5WBW
  • ISBN-10: 1351216538, 1498755232, 0367876507
  • ISBN-13: 9781351216524, 9781498755238, 9780367876500

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About The Author

Ioannis Tsougos

Ioannis Tsougos

Dr. Ioannis Tsougos holds a BSc in Physics, and an MSc and a PhD in Medical Radiation Physics. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Medical Radiation Physics at the Medical School of the University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece and a Visiting Researcher in the Neuroimaging Division at the IoPPN, King’s College London, UK. Ioannis has a broad multidisciplinary clinical and teaching experience, specializing in advanced MR techniques. He has authored more than seventy research papers and ten international book chapters. He is a member of the ESR, EFOMP, and ESMRMB.

The PDF ebook, “Advanced MR Neuroimaging: From Theory to Clinical Practice, is a valuable resource for neurosurgeons, neuroimaging researchers and radiologists, neurologists, and physicists interested in advanced magnetic resonance techniques. In the last decade, significant progress has been made in the field of neuroimaging thanks to advancements in magnetic resonance techniques like perfusion, diffusion, functional MRI, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. These techniques provide useful insights into the microvascularity, microstructure, tissue metabolism, and brain connectivity. These techniques have been previously restricted to research facilities, but have now become a part of everyday clinical practice in various clinical MR systems.

Despite their increase in acceptance and wider usage, there remains a great need for comprehensive knowledge on these topics to explore their intrinsic complexity and physical difficulty. This ebook fills the gap by focusing on the fundamental principles and theories of various techniques such as perfusion, diffusion, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and functional MRI. It is didactic and comprehensive in its approach, exploring associated pitfalls and artifacts. It aims to bridge the gap between clinical and research applications, acting as an educational manual for neuroimaging researchers and radiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, and physicists who are interested in advanced MR techniques. It is also a useful reference text for experienced clinical scientists who wish to optimize their multi-parametric imaging approach. Please note that this sale only includes the PDF ebook, “Advanced MR Neuroimaging: From Theory to Clinical Practice”, and access codes are not included.