Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, 9th Edition by Susan Krauss Whitbourne (PDF) puts a strong focus on the human side of mental health conditions. This book, in its 9th edition, gives students a real look into these disorders through many examples of clinical cases, online case studies, personal stories, and important life stories. It uses a complete approach that looks at how biology, psychology, and social factors all play a role in mental health issues and how these issues develop over a person’s lifetime. This edition is designed to help students learn better and improve their studies by making it easy to connect ideas and offering a learning experience that fits each student.
978-1260500196, 978-1260076684
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NOTE: Please be aware that this purchase is ONLY for the digital book, Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, 9th Edition, in PDF. There are no access codes provided.
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