Do you really understand the skills required to master Microsoft Office? While many students can follow step-by-step instructions to complete a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or database, simply recreating a project does not make them Office experts. This eBook, Microsoft Office 365: A Skills Approach 2021 edition (ePub), aims to teach you the skills needed to become proficient in Microsoft Office 365 in a clear and easy-to-follow manner.
However, this eBook goes beyond just showing you how to perform tasks; it also provides a deeper understanding of the reasons behind those tasks. Unlike many books that lose value outside of a classroom setting, the Skills Approach series is designed to be a comprehensive textbook and a valuable reference tool as you transition from academia to the workplace.
978-1265177225, 978-1266783364, 978-1266781414, 978-1266774386, 978-1266178887
If you plan to view the ePub version of the eBook, we highly recommend using the free Adobe Digital Editions (for Mobile devices) or Calibre (for Windows/Mac).
NOTE: This sale only includes the eBook Microsoft Office 365: A Skills Approach (2021st Edition) in its original ePub format. A converted PDF version is available upon request. Access codes are not included.
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