The Wild Financial and Managerial Accounting 9th Edition (PDF/ePub) textbook has become the leading choice for students in the field of financial and managerial accounting. This textbook offers a corporate perspective and provides balanced coverage of the subject matter. The author’s accessible writing style and step-by-step approach simplify complex accounting processes and help students master important concepts and procedures.
The textbook is organized into learning blocks, with each block ending with examples that students need to know. This makes it easy for students to locate the most relevant content for problem-solving. Chapter opening vignettes feature dynamic and well-known entrepreneurs to engage students and demonstrate the relevance of accounting in real-world scenarios. Throughout the book, students are encouraged to think like businesspeople and apply their knowledge.
The textbook offers a wide variety of assignments, giving instructors flexibility in teaching, assessing, and challenging students at different levels. It has been used by millions of students worldwide to improve their education and advance their careers.
Additional ISBNs for Wild/Shaw’s Financial and Managerial Accounting 9E: 978-1260728774, 978-1264098583, 978-1264098675, 9781266178566, 9781264970421, 978-1266265549, 978-1266178566, 1266178562, 1264970420, 978-1264970421, 978-1264098668, 9781264098668
NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Financial and Managerial Accounting, 9th Edition, in original ePub format. A converted PDF is also included. No access codes are included.
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