Assembling a great deal of material in one place, this ebook serves as a valuable guide for chemists and related physical scientists throughout their careers — covering essential equations, theories, and tools needed for conducting and interpreting contemporary research.
The Physical Chemist’s Toolbox, 2nd Edition (PDF) is a highly recommended book for chemists and scientists. It:
- Offers a comprehensive and in-depth treatment of the most challenging concepts of chemistry
- Updates and revises existing chapters from the prior edition and adds: new chapters on organic, inorganic, and biochemistry; appendices about nuclides and organic reactions; and expanded questions at the end of chapters
ISBN: 978-1119755777, 978-1119755807,978-1119755821, 978-1118195574, 978-1119755784
NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook The Physical Chemist’s Toolbox 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.