JavaScript was originally designed for small-scale programming in web browsers. However, with modern advancements, JavaScript programmers have embraced functional, object-oriented, and asynchronous programming styles while discarding error-prone concepts from the past. The Modern JavaScript for the Impatient eBook in ePub/PDF format is a comprehensive yet succinct guide to JavaScript E6 and beyond. Unlike other books that require you to learn and transition from older versions, this guide helps you quickly become proficient with modern versions of JavaScript. Bestselling programming author Cay S. Horstmann covers everything you need to know in bite-sized pieces, which are easy to understand and access. Horstmann’s practical insights and sample code help you take advantage of modern JavaScript’s powerful toolchains and frameworks, avoid outdated features and common pitfalls, and create flexible, concise, and powerful programs using metaprogramming.
- Use modules to organize and efficiently run complex programs
- Avoid outdated techniques that create unnecessary risks and complexity
- Take advantage of object-oriented, functional, and asynchronous programming techniques
- Create more flexible, powerful, and succinct programs with metaprogramming
- Expand JavaScript’s capabilities through libraries, frameworks, and platforms
- Easily comprehend modern JavaScript’s implementation of fundamental programming constructs
Please note: This product only includes the Modern JavaScript for the Impatient eBook in its original ePub format. A converted PDF version is available upon request, and no access codes are included.
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